Top 10 List of Week 02

Top 10 List of Week 02

  1. Cryptography

    Cryptography is important to protect the information shared across the internet. There are various cryptographic algorithms, such as the RSA algorithm.

  2. ROT13 Decoder

    ROT13 is one example of a substitution cipher that replaces a letter with the 13th letter after it in the alphabet. This algorithm provides virtually no cryptographic security and usually used in online forums to hide spoilers, punchlines, and offensive materials from a casual glance.

  3. The Science of Making and Breaking Codes

    Message can be encrypted in many ways, from early, simple ciphers to the famous Enigma Machine that was used during World War II by the Germans. But it is tough to make a code truly unbreakable.

  4. What Is an Access Control List?

    An access control list (ACL) contains rules that grant or deny access to certain digital environments. There are 3 ACL best practices:

    • ACLs everywhere
    • ACL in order
    • Document your work
  5. Cyber Insecurity: Why You Are The Vulnerability

    Technology alone cannot save you, you are the vulnerability but you also have the power to fight back. As John LaCour said there are three steps to fighting cybercrime, it is “don’t need it, don’t use it”, “fasten your security seat belt”, and “be a little paranoid”.

  6. Types of Cyber Threat

    This website explains common cyber threats such as backdoors, DDoS attacks, Malware, etc. Other than that, it also explains common cyber attacks and vulnerabilities.

  7. Hacked From A Cable? Really?

    Yes, we can get hacked from a cable that looks like an ordinary cable that we use for charging our device. Kevin Mitnick, a cybersecurity expert, demonstrates how they did it.

  8. This Is How Easy It Is To Get Hacked

    This video from Vice News shows us that our privacy is never safe. It is so easy to hack your data privacy without you realize that you have been hacked.

  9. Cyber Threat Map

    Take a visit to the website and you will see how many cyber attacks happen in a day. Scary numbers for me.

  10. Learn C Language

    As a novice in C, I choose courses provided by Solo Learn. So far, it is easy to understand but I haven’t finished it yet.